Tactical Value Sheet

Table of Contents
1. Based weaponry
---- 1.1 Home base
---- 1.2 Power and energy
---- 1.3 Build your army
---- 1.4 Guns and lasers
---- 1.5 Industry
---- 1.6 Martian airspace
---- 1.7 Advancing
---- 1.8 Uplinks
2. Mobile weaponry
---- 2.1 Troops
---- 2.2 Repairs
---- 2.3 Hovering attacks
---- 2.4 Mining the Red Planet
---- 2.5 Ground speeders
---- 2.6 Tanks and cruisers
---- 2.7 Pirates of the sky
---- 2.8 Unit deployment
3. Special weaponry
---- 3.1 Final blows
---- 3.2 Special ops
---- 3.3 Stealth attackers
---- 3.4 Crystal Reaper
---- 3.5 MT-201 Driller
---- 3.6 Alien Commander
---- 3.7 Santa level
4. Tactical information

CrystAlien Conflict
Tactical Value Sheet

This page covers all statistical information relating to the game CrystAlien Conflict. All units and buildings usable in the game are given a table of information to describe each one. Each table has two pictures, Astros of the left, and Aliens on the right; every table is also given a statistical chart and a description. Statistical charts are arranged as follows:

-----Armour = the amount of lasers necessary to destroy the specified object.
-----Blockage space = the amount of rectangular blocks on the map used by the specified object.
-----Cost (credits) = the amount of in-game credits used for building the specified object.
-----Building time N = the amount of waiting time for the specified object to build in normal time.
-----Building time F = the amount of waiting time for the specified object to build using a cheat code.
-----Building time S = the amount of waiting time for the specified object to build if power levels are low.
-----Moving speed = classified as either Slowest, Slow, Medium, Fast, or Fastest.
-----Shooting speed = classified as either Slowest, Slow, Fast, or Fastest.
-----Shooting range = classified as either Shortest, Short, Medium, long, or longest.
-----Weapon type = classified as either 'Laser', 'Missile', or Both.
-----MAX build = maximum number of units or buildings allowed to be built at a time.

Since this page is written in the Astro language, all descriptions are written accordingly with Astro equipment. Occasionally, mostly in section 3, formats may change slightly to fit the individual needs of each object. Astro and Alien equipment are equal in every way unless specified otherwise.

Section 1: based weaponry
This section explains all buildings usable in Conflict Mode, most of them also appear in Special ops.
Unlike other sections, this one features many animated images.
Home base

Astro Command Base
Animated Eagle Command Base

Statistical chart

Armour 60 Hit points
Blockage space 6 Blocks
Cost (credits) Not applicable
Building time N Not applicable
Building time F Not applicable
Building time S Not applicable
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 1 Pre-built



These bases only appear in certain Story Mode, bonus levels and Conflict Mode.
Owning this allows the player to build.
At the beginning of game-play the player is only able to build
Power Plants & Crystal Miners or their Alien counterparts.
Once a single base is destroyed, the game ends, even if you manage to control both, a loss of even just one will result in failure.


Alien Mothership
Animated Alien Mothership
Power and energy

Astro Power Plant
Animated Power Plant

Statistical chart
Armour 30 Hit points
Blockage space 2 Blocks
Cost (credits) 800 Credits
Building time N 5 Seconds
Building time F 3/5 Seconds
Building time S 8 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 8 bases


Power and energy levels appear on the right side of the task bar yellow is energy-in-use
green is unused-energy.
If power levels are low, construction will be slowed, radar will go offline, and visibility from the uplink will be removed.
If power levels drop anymore,
Defense Stations will be offline.
If a Power Plant is damaged
it's ability to create power will be weakened significantly.

Alien Energy Generator
Animated Energy Generator (Fixed)
Build your army

Astro Training Camp
Animated Training Camp

Statistical chart
Armour 20 Hit points
Blockage space 4 Blocks
Cost (credits) 500 Credits
Building time N 3 Seconds
Building time F 1/2 Seconds
Building time S 5 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 2 bases


Requiring that the player has built a Power Plant, he will be able to construct one of these.
Once a Training Camp is deployed the player has access to training Infantry and Engineers.
If a Technology Centre is operational, the player can also train Jetpack Explorers. The Alien Breeding pit (but NOT the Astro Training Camp) acts as the base's gate, that some units can move through. It does not provide a tactical advantage.

Alien Breeding Pit
Animated Breeding Pit
Guns and lasers

Astro Defense Station
Animated Defence Station

Statistical chart

Armour 25 Hit points
Blockage space 2 Blocks
Cost (credits) 1,500 Credits
Building time N 8 Seconds
Building time F 3/4 Seconds
Building time S 15 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Fast
Shooting range Medium
Weapon typeMissile
MAX build 12 or 15


The only base capable of firing Missiles in Conflict Mode,
you can build one, after deploying a Training Camp. These bases are highly dependent upon
Power Plants because they consume a large amount of energy. After being deployed, it will automatically target nearby enemies, range is longer if manually targeted.

Alien Assault Turret
Animated Assault Turret

Astro Vehicle Factory
Animated Vehicle Factory

Statistical chart

Armour 40 Hit points
Blockage space 6 Blocks
Cost (credits) 2,000 Credits
Building time N 12 Seconds
Building time F 1 Second
Building time S 20 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 2 Bases


After constructing, the player has access to building Trikes, if a Radar Station is present, he can also build Claw-Tanks, furthermore if the player also has a Technology Centre, he can build Recon Dropships here as well; But only when a Training Camp is operational is the player allowed to build the Vehicle Factory.
When destroyed two infantry/ drones can be produced.

Alien Battle Foundry
Animated Battle Foundry
Martian airspace

Astro Radar Station
Animated Radar Station

Statistical chart

Armour 25 Hit points
Blockage space 6 Blocks
Cost (credits) 1,000 Credits
Building time N 5 Seconds
Building time F 1 Second
Building time S 10 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 1 Base


It is necessary to build
a Training Camp before constructing a Radar Station. Constructing a Radar Station enables the player to deploy Astro Fighters, If the station is destroyed or exchanged, all aircraft are disassembled without reimbursement. Once a Radar Station is built, a radar imaging map will appear at the top of the task bar.
The Astro Radar Station (but NOT the Alien Sonar Station) acts as the base's gate, that some units can move through. It does not provide a tactical advantage.

Alien Sonar Station
Animated Sonar Station

Astro Technology Centre
Animated Technology Centre

Statistical chart

Armour 20 Hit Points
Blockage space 2 Blocks
Cost (credits) 2,000 Credits
Building time N 10 Seconds
Building time F 1 1/4 Seconds
Building time S 20 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 1 Base


Before constructing a Technology Centre, the player must first build a Vehicle Factory and a Radar Station. While a Technology Centre is operational, the player has access to building Jetpack Explorers and Recon Dropships, that is, requiring that the necessary buildings are deployed. When destroyed a Astro Jetpack explorer/ Alien Viper attack can be produced.

Alien Experiment Lab
Animated Experiment Lab

Astro Satellite Uplink

Animated Satellite Uplink

Statistical chart

Armour 40 Hit points
Blockage space 2 Blocks
Cost (credits) 1,500 Credits
Building time N 8 Seconds
Building time F 1 Second
Building time S 15 Seconds
Moving speed Not applicable
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 5 Bases


An operational Vehicle Factory, Radar Station, and Technology Centre are required to build a Satellite Uplink. Once operative, the shroud is removed and the map is cleared. The player also gains access to deploying EM Pulse Cannons. If the base is destroyed (along with the radar/sonar station), satellite mapping becomes disabled and the shroud is placed back again.

Alien Orbital Uplink

Animated Orbital Uplink
Section 2: mobile weaponry
This section explains all mobile weaponry used in Conflict Mode, every weapon mentioned here is also used in Special ops.
EM Pulse Cannons and 4T2 Ion Disruptors are examined in the next section rather then this one.

Astro Infantry
Animated Infantry

Statistical chart

Armour 5 Hit points
Blockage space Not applicable
Cost (credits) 200 Credits
Building time N 1 Second
Building time F 1/10 Second
Building time S 2 Seconds
Moving speed Slow
Shooting speed Slowest
Shooting range Short
Weapon typeLaser
MAX build 5 Units


These are some of the first units in the game, they hold the record for being the cheapest deployable units in the game. They sometimes appear in the place of a destroyed base if the maximum number of troops has not yet been reached. An operational Training Camp is required to train Infantry. Of all the units in the game, this is one which can not shoot at airborne targets.

Alien Drone

Animated Alien Drone

Astro Engineer
Animated Engineer

Statistical chart

Armour 3 Hit points
Blockage space Not applicable
Cost (credits) 500 Credits
Building time N 2 1/2 Seconds
Building time F 1/4 Second
Building time S 5 Seconds
Moving speed Slowest
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 5 Units


The only units capable of entering enemy bases are these. They can be used to repair bases or vehicles, and can also capture enemy bases, thus causing the base to be turned over to the other team. An operational training Camp is required to train these units which can only be used once.

Alien Saboteur
Animated Alien Sabotuer
Hovering attacks

Astro Jet-pack Explorer
Animated Jetpack Explorer

Statistical chart

Armour 5 Hit points
Blockage space Not applicable
Cost (credits) 600 Credits
Building time N 3 Seconds
Building time F 1/3 Second
Building time S 6 Seconds
Moving speed Medium
Shooting speed Slowest
Shooting range Medium
Weapon typeMissile
MAX build 5 Units


An operational Technology Centre and a Training Camp are required to train Jet-pack Explorers. Once built, Jet-pack Explorers can board a Recon Dropship or a Crystal Reaper, they can also fly over obstacles and martian lakes. Jet-pack Explorers appear after a Technology Centre has been destroyed if the maximum number of units has not yet been reached.

Alien Viper Attack
Animated Viper Attack
Mining the Red Planet

Astro Crystal Miner

Astro Crystal Miner (click to see large image)

Statistical chart

Armour 60 Hit points
Blockage space 1 Block
Cost (credits) 1,400 Credits
Building time N 7 Seconds
Building time F 7/10 Second
Building time S 14 Seconds
Moving speed Fast
Shooting speed Not applicable
Shooting range Not applicable
Weapon typeNot applicable
MAX build 4 Units


One of three sources for gaining crystals on Mars, Crystal Miners are used to extract crystals that appear on map. Each miner can hold one-thousand credits worth of crystals, they mine targeted crystals automatically, but can also be controlled manually. Miners do not respond to enemy attacks, but rather, continue mining as if there has no problem at all.

Alien Crystal Extractor

Alien Crystal Extractor (click to see large image)
Ground speeders

Astro Trike

Astro Trike (click to see large image)

Statistical chart

Armour 10 Hit points
Blockage space 1 Block
Cost (credits) 600 Credits
Building time N 3 Seconds
Building time F 1/3 Second
Building time S 6 Seconds
Moving speed Fastest
Shooting speed Slow
Shooting range Medium
Weapon typeLaser
MAX build 5 Units


Infantries and Trikes, the only units not capable of shooting at airborne targets. Just a Vehicle Factory alone can build these units, if the factory is destroyed, the units still remain. Trikes are fast and easy to line up in formation for attacking,

Alien Speeder

Alien Speeder (click to see large image)
Tanks and cruisers

Astro Claw-Tank

Astro Claw-Tank (click to see large image)