This is Phobon. Homeworld of The Phobians.
Current Owner: The Aliens/Phobians (Vissers?)
Fact: This planet is rogue and has no star. Its surface consists of somewhat radioactive ash.
Status: A barren destroyed wasteland. No known settlements or survivors.
Most of the Vissers' presence here is under the radar
Untapped Crystal Fields: 5
Glaciers: 83
Recoverable Technologies: Unknown
Recoverable Technologies: Unknown
Phobian Structures:
--1 High Command Base (housing the dimensional door) (Razed)
--? Simplistic Bases (Razed)
--? Foundries
--? Temples
--? Missile Silos (Empty, semi-intact?)
--? Generators (Offline, razed)
--? Fusion Reactors (Offline)
--Spaceport (Razed)
Phobian Forces:=Possible hidden survivors?
Visser Forces:
--29 Missile Silos
--89 Lighting Cannons
--3 Bases
--1 B.O.O.
=2 Cruisers
=4 Destroyers
=29 Fighter Squads
=12 Interceptor Squads
=1,200 Falcon Troopers
=345 Infiltrators