Astro Administration

These are the Astro's administrative offices and facilities. Here you can find the expense ledger, the commander's office, and diplomatic documents.

Expense Ledger

Record any and all transactions here. These include: crystal deposits from mining, production expenses, training expenses, etc.
Lower Ranking players should check with their commanding officer before making any transaction. Penalties may be incurred for improper usage.
Lines may be added to the ledger, but no one should delete lines or change them in any way. Only the GM is permitted to do so.

Transaction Description
Running Total
0--Starting Value+$10000$10000



Add rows as needed...

Commander's Office

The office of the Mission Commander. He doesn't appear to be here right now. The guards followed you in, but you aren't causing trouble and after a brief exchange they return to their posts. On the desk are large stacks of paper, none of which seem very important. There is also a very small laptop on the desk which seems to be used for communicating with Mission Control, a table with an incomplete design for some sort of weapon and another table with tools on it. A small glass box with an energy crystal inside has an inscription: "First Contact".

Diplomacy: We are currently at peace with our enemies.

Commander's Log:
Reset by mods...